Important Factors In Choosing A Policy

If you own several pieces of jewelry, you probably dread the idea of losing one or having it stolen from you. When you apply for jewelry insurance, you can avail of their replacement and repair services. Here are factors in selecting a policy.

  • Coverage – Your first concern should be the coverage of the policy. Does it cover theft, damage or mysterious disappearance? The same way, what are the things that are not included in the policy?
  • Deductibles – Does the policy offer options for deductibles? When there is a deductible, this can lower the premium you need to pay.
  • Claims – Clarify the part about how the company pays claims. Does the company allow you to report a claim anytime of the day? How many days will it take for the claim to be processed?
  • Travel insurance – If you are the type of person who always goes out of the country, are your jewelries covered when you travel?


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