How To File For Jewelry Insurance Claim?

If one of your greatest fear has finally happened and you lost your much treasured wedding ring, don’t panic. First thing you need to answer is “Is it insured?” If it is, then you have a great chance of getting a replacement piece for it. Before anything else, you must file a claim.

  • Contact your insurance company as soon as possible. As soon as you are sure that you really lost it, call your insurance company immediately. And when you do, be prepared to discuss with the agent the specifics of how you lost it.
  • Provide information about where, when and how you lost your ring. You may even be asked to provide names and addresses of witnesses and other people involved.
  • You will be asked to provide a written statement about the situation within 90 days of losing your ring. The statement should include the date, time, place and details of the incident. It should also have receipts and appraisal documents related to the item missing.


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